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Insights,  Client Reporting Insights,  ESG
Beyond binary: the evolving landscape of outsourcing and client reports.Asset managers are increasingly turning to outsourced partners for their client reports, in a shift away from the inhouse handling of this critical middle office function. But there are now different options within this evaluation as the lines between what used to be a binary decision become progressively blurred, suggests Abbey Shasore, CEO, Factbook.
May 21, 2024
Insights,  Client Reporting Insights,  ESG
Investment reporting in the ESG age: a call to action for asset managers?Regulatory and consumer pressures are changing the way buy-side firms report on the sustainability of their investments. Asset managers shouldn’t compromise their investment reporting by making small, piecemeal changes to their processes in order to ‘make do’, whilst ignoring the bigger picture and failing to plan for the future, suggests Abbey Shasore, CEO, Factbook.
February 21, 2024
Managing the leap from vendor selection to service provider relationshipHaving managed the ‘beauty parade’ and selected a vendor, what are the considerations for investment managers procuring new software products and services? How can the vendor best manage the handover from ‘wooing’ to delivering, asks Abbey Shasore, CEO, Factbook and Robert Corbally, founder, Hawser Consulting. When an investment management firm has concluded its vendor selection procedure and contracts have been signed, it may seem like a time to celebrate. Yet the end of what is...
September 29, 2023
Investment reporting: sophistication doesn’t have to mean complexityJust because you are looking for more sophistication in your investment reporting, this doesn’t have to result in more complexity, writes Abbey Shasore, CEO, Factbook. The primary driver for most firms that are looking to upgrade their investment reporting is processes – it is taking far too long and there are very few controls in place.… Read More
April 18, 2023
Insights,  Client Reporting Insights
Three ways to tell if your client reporting is at the heart of your client servicing.Is your client reporting merely a ‘box’ at the end of the investment lifecycle that requires a tick for completion? Or is it just one element in a much greater sphere of influence that includes client service, marketing, performance and even compliance? Is your reporting a two-way street – offering tools where clients can interrogate.
March 3, 2023
Mandatory vs discretionary documentation: a tale of two processes?What impact, if any, does the obligation around issuing documentation have on how they are produced within asset management firms? For example, are mandatory documents such as KIIDs (or KIDs) dealt with differently to discretionary documents such as factsheets? The co-existence of mandatory versus discretionary documentation within client reporting is an interesting one.
November 16, 2022