Factbook today announces that Clerical Medical have gone live with Factbook Factsheets™, their fully outsourced factsheet production solution. Through Factbook Factsheets™, Clerical Medical is now able to fully outsource and automate the production of its fund factsheets across the Life, Pensions, OEIC and Offshore funds within its Investment Solutions proposition.
Factbook, a specialist provider of fund reporting, communication and data management solutions was selected following a detailed service provider evaluation process undertaken prior to the launch of Clerical Medical Investment Solutions, a new and innovative multi manager proposition.
Derick O’Brien, Business Development Director at Factbook said “it was critical for Clerical Medical to find a partner that understood their business requirements and whose solution would deliver efficiency and accuracy in a cost efficient manner. They recognised these qualities in Factbook and felt that partnering with us gave them the immediate solution they needed and plenty of scope to develop their relationship through the wide range of other services which Factbook offer.”
Abbey Shasore, Managing Director of Factbook said, “Factbook is delighted to have been selected by Clerical Medical and to have comfortably completed the project within the short time frame available. FundsReach is powered by our Factbook software: the most flexible solution in this space today. The competitive selection of Factbook by Clerical Medical is further evidence of the increasing recognition within the investment management community of the excellence of service and product which our solutions deliver”.