Factbook continues to operate business as usual. All our services and solution systems and platforms are up and running. Our people are practising social distancing in line with advices and instruction from the government and its health advisers.
In these quite remarkable and unprecedented times our highest priorities are keeping our staff safe and ensuring our continued ability to serve our clients.
We began implementing social distancing measures two weeks ago; initially with curtailed, and later the cessation of external meetings and business travel until further notice.
Over the coming days and months Factbook aims to continue to operate business as usual while observing safe and efficient practices and keeping to the advice of health and science experts.
The ongoing development of the pandemic and how it impacts your investment reporting functions is important to you and therefore to us. We are here to help you through these uncertain times and to help you maintain normality in your business life as far as possible. More than ever that will require us all to work in close co-operation and perhaps at times to be more imaginative.
No doubt events will continue to move fast as conditions change globally. We will stay in regular contact with you and provide you with updates as needs dictate.
If you have any queries, if you are unsure of anything or if there is anything pertinent that I have not covered here please do not hesitate to let us know. We would be pleased to hear from you. You can continue to reach us using any of the usual channels including email, telephone and our web site.
While here all of us at Factbook wish you good health through these uncertain times.
Best Wishes,
Abbey Shasore, CEO, Factbook